As I drove home this evening, I could see that the clouds were incredibly active and very interesting. I knew that if the sun held out and didn't get swallowed up by all that cotton candy in the sky that it might just make for a tremendous sunset. So, I waited. I fed Bertie, cleaned up the kitchen, read a chapter in a book, and I waited and watched. Timing is everything in the game of photographing a pretty sunset. By about 7:20, I could see that it was going to be close, but I might just get lucky. So, I grabbed my camera, loaded Bertie up in the back of the car, and away we went.
Allow me to interject a moment and share that 1) this picture tracking activity has become a favorite of ours. She just rides along in the back of the car happy as 10 bedbugs. When we arrive a location to shoot, I roll the window down for her and she just watches every move I make; 2) riding in the car is to Bertie's puppy hyperactivity what it can be for a crying baby. It totally calms her down and makes for a much nicer evening. Otherwise she's nuttier than 10 fruitcakes! So, I see more sunset shots in the future!
Now,there's timing and there's location. I've made my way all around the West side of Daviess County over the course of this summer, hunting for that perfect spot for sunsets. The perfect spot being a nice wide view unobstructed by house trailers, power lines, vehicles, ugly trees, etc. Tonight, I might have found it. I turned down roads I've never been on, all the while keeping my eye on the looming clouds and that gorgeous sun sinking down the skyline. I must say, I started to worry just a smidgy when I saw the sign that said "End of State Road Maintenance", but never fear, one turn later, I found it.
As I got ouf of the car and set up my tripod, my senses were overcome. The view speaks for itself. The sight of a wall of rain charging toward the sun...amazing. The smell of impending rain is like no other. The wind was picking up and blowing Bertie's ears as she hung her head out the window watching. Besides the breeze, you could just feel the storm brewing. When I closed my eyes, which I didn't do for long because that tends to impede photography, the sound of the churning clouds and drops of rain on the soybean leaves were like a symphony. I can only wonder what it might taste like if indeed a storm had a flavor.
Love the pic! I can feel the pre-storm air!