Before gathering up and preparing to head out for work, I took Bertie out for her second round of business of the morning . The instant I stepped outside my backdoor, my breath was caught. The red flower that lives just to the left of my back porch seemed as if it were illuminated. It was stunning, and I just stood there for a moment on the steps, frozen in it's flaming light.
"Go get the camera!" was the first thought that went through my head once I became unmezmerized. (I'm not sure if that's really a word, but I think I like it so it stays - author's discression). "Don't be silly! It's just an ordinary canna!" was the second thought. The battle went on for a few seconds in my head until I decided that anything whose presence takes ones breath away and causes an excited heartbeat falls into the category of little gifts & blessings and warranted a photograph.
It's not the best photograph ever. It's not the best canna flower ever. Both are rather ordinary in some people's minds. What I came to realize in that little mini mind war was that sometimes ordinary is ok. Photographs do not have to be prize winning. Flowers do not have to be show stopping. I do not have to be the prettiest or the smartest or the skinniest or the most stylish. I do not have to drive the fanciest car or have the nicest house. What I do have to be is me...the best me that God created me to be. I certainly do not have any inside scoop, but I feel pretty certain that he's not terribly concerned about pretty or skinny or stylish. While those things may take the breath of some, I'm not sure that's what he had in mind. If letting my inner light shine can take others by surprise and put a hitch in their breath, then I'll take ordinary any day of the week.
I think it is lovely!