Wednesday, September 29, 2010

pic of the day - pure entertainment

This past weekend, my parents and I scratched another item off our respective bucket lists. What a treat it was. This particular item has been on my list since college. You see, each year at Christmas, the faculty and staff at Joshnson Bible College would host the Miller-Scott Christmas banquet. They worked hard to prepare a wonderful meal and convert the gymnasium into a beautiful winter wonderland. For dessert, they always lined up, marched in to the "Dance of the Sugar Plum Faries" from the Nutcracker, carrying red velvet cakes with sparklers shooting off the top. Everyone dressed up and it was the event of the semester. During dessert, the faculty and staff would present a little mini theatre production. One year it was s spoof on the Peanuts (Dean Lowe as Charlie Brown is still vivid in my mind). One year when I was on staff it was the show Newhart. I was Stephanie - Funny! One year, it was a JBC version of a radio show called "Prairie Home Companion." I had never heard of the program and assumed it was something from the "olden days" when radio was all that was available for entertainment. I was shocked to learn that the program was a contemporary form of entertainment and could not understand why anyone would listen to a radio program when they could see a movie or watch TV. Ahh, youth! It would be a few more years before I would have the opportunity to hear the program myself, but when I did, I knew exactly why one might listen and then could not understand why everyone didn't stop their activity on Saturday evenings to listen. I have many fond memories of painting down in my friend Larry's woodshop,getting totally lost in the stories of Lake Wobegon, being swept away by the musical talents of The Guy's All-Star Shoe Band, fascinated by the sound effects of the Royal Academy of Actors, and being fully entertained by Garrison Keillor. Prairie Home Companion has been a part of my life ever since. I wish I could say it was a Saturday night fixture. I wish life was slow enough to set aside two hours on a Saturday night for such purity. Instead, life is busy, there is alwasy something going on, some place to be, but I do tune in, even if for a minute, every chance I get. This past weekend, we took a just for fun trip to St. Paul Minnesota to be part of the audience for the season opener of Prairie Home Companion, live from the Fitzgerald Theatre. F. Scott Fitzgerald hails from St. Paul, thus the theatre's namesake. Opening night brings it's own traditions with a meatloaf and mashed potato supper on the street after the show followed my live music from the case and street dancing. What an absolute treat it was! As long as Garrison puts on those red shoes, I will continue to tune in when I can, and hold all of those wonderful wonderful memories so dear.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

pic of the day - now i'm hooked on night photography

This evening when I got home from dinner with my sweet folks, I was faced with a decision. It was obvious that the sunset held great promise to be a doozy with great clouds and color. It was also going on 6:30 and Bertie had been in her kennel most of the day. I could load her up along with the camera and tripod and go sunset exploring or I could leash her up, take her for a nice walk and be confident that the evening would be a smidge more calm. Weighing the two options and noting that my gan tank was nearing empty, I opted to walk and simply enjoy the beautiful sunset as a gift. A gift it was indeed. I have never seen anything like it. It was beautiful! While I was cursing a bit under my breath for not getting in the car, I was thankful for the experience. Wonderfully, at the same time the gorgeous sun was setting, the full moon was rising on the other horizon. By the time we got back to the house, the sky was nearly dark, but still offered some cool views. The camera bug had bit long before in the evening so back to the night photography I went. I really think I might be hooked. This little pumpkin lives on top of my fenceposts that hold the gate into my backyard...instead of gargoyles, I have pumpkins. It's better than dead squirels. I was so touched tonight by the sun setting while the moon was rising. Some things come and go in our lives. People and places fill our days with warmth and light but sometimes, slowly they fade away...some in far more beautiful fashion than others. At the same time though, another light fills in the darkness providing safety and comfort until the warmth returns. That is no accident. The gorgeous sunset was no accident. That kind of beauty and depth and impact comes from somewhere. It comes with design and purpose. The old saying goes "it's not the's the thought that counts." I'm glad I get to be a recipient of such thoughts.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

pic of the day - my first night pic

One minute totally irritated...the next totally excited! Bertie just had to go out right this very minute or she was going to claw and eat the front door down. She has no respect for the fact that I was engrossed in NCIS Los Angeles or that I had zero interest in getting out of my chair and taking her out. I have to give her credit, she is a persisitent thing. We go outside...pee pee Bertie...pee pee. No pee pee. Just smelling where the rabits and squirels have played. Normally I just sit down on the back porch to wait it out, but for some reason, tonight I walked down the walk. When I turned around to go back up to the house, a beautiful full moon smiled down at me. Now night photography is something that hasn't really presented itself to me. I see wonderful photos that others take of a beautiful night sky and think it's amazing, but I've never tried it. Tonight, I decided, was the night. I fetched my tripod and zoom lens and began to shoot. How very very fun!!! It would definitely be better on a cloudless night and I need to learn to be more patient. A 30 second shutter is not my cup of tea. I also need to learn to use my remote. All in all though I have to say I am pleased. I even caught a little Jupiter going on. The moral of the story? Get out of your chair, step off the porch, smell where the rabbits play and you will be shown wonderfully fun things.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

pic(s) of the day - my little pumpkin

I think I might have mentioned that I love fall. One of my most favorite days during the fall season is the day I go buy skads of pumkins and mums and decorate my porches all cute and sweet. If you've read earlier posts, you'll remember the Indian corn incident. Yeah, no Indian corn this year. Every year I try my darndest to hold out on the ole decor day as late as my patience will allow me to wait. There is great strategy in the pumpkin purchasing game. If you buy too early, there will be nothing but a moldy, stinky, bird pecked mess before Halloween even thinks of arriving. If you wait too late, all the pumkins have been bought and yours is the only house in town that doesn't welcome the world with a smiling jack-o-lantern. It's tricky friends. My patience snapped on Saturday and my own little pumkin fest commenced. I bought big pumkins and little pumkins, orange pumpkins (duh) and these great orange and white striped pumpkins. I picked ones with great curly stems, short ones, fat ones. You name it, i bought it! I didn't even have the patience to open the house up and let Bertie out before I started in the placement of pumpkins just so so all around the steps and flower pots. SOOO CUTE!!! As I let Bertie out for her "Momma's home potty" I noticed the quick sneaky glimpse and sniff she gave as she raced past the pumpkins on the back porch. Hmmm...Note to self...tell Bertie NO NO NO NO NO about the pumpkins. Later that afternoon as I was going about my Saturday afternoon piddle chores, I noticed that sweet precious Bertie was awful quiet outside. I eased around to the backdoor, peeked through the curtain, and there she was gnawing one of my pumpkins like a wild dog on the Christmas turkey. She was in pure heaven!!!! It was so funny, I didn't have the heart to be mad. What dog eats a pumpkin? My sweet little pumpkin of course!!!!!! Happy fall!!!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

pic of the day - harvest sunset

Sunset. Harvest. Life. It is all about circles of time, some in shorter cycles than others, but circles nonetheless. The sun rises and sets once a day, all within about a 13 hour period this time of year. Summer is awesome because the days stretch so long and so much more can be squeezed into a day. Now as winter approaches, we just make the most of the daylight we have. The planting season generally works in a yearly cycle with planting every spring, praying for just enough but not too much rain all summer, that beautiful harvest each fall, followed by a winter of rest. Life? Who knows? What would it be like if we knew going into it the length of our seasons? Would that change how we grow? How we spend our time? Would we do a better job of making the most of that time? As the days grew shorter would we treasure the beauty of the harvest anticipating great rest? I'm not sure. Personally, while I love routine and I love the familiarity of the seasons and the days, I love that each new day is a surprise...a gift yet to be opened. It thrills me that I never know what to expect. Yes, sometimes we are blindsided by something unexpected and events in life are not always happy. That is true. But if I sat around waiting to see what bad thing might be coming around the corner, I would be tainted and never fully enjoy the wonderful. It would be like a little bit pee in a swimming pool. How's that for wisdom? No amount of worry is a good amount of worry because it spoils the good, even if just a little. I am perfectly content with a healthy level of mystery in my life and treat each day as if it was the longest day of the year...enjoying each and every moment of daylight as if were the last ray of sunshine. This picture happens to have been taken from the edge of the cemetery where my sweet grandpa is burried. It is often at the end of the day when I find myself visiting there as it seems appropriate and symbolic. This evening struck me in a particular way because it was sunset on the day, the crops, and on life.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

pic of the day - fall flowers

Without question, doubt, or hesitation, fall is my favorite season. Spring has it's lovely qualities. A pretty winter snow has it's perks. The hot summer sun feels wonderful after you've spent the afternoon in chilly AC. Fall though has it all. There is the crisp cool air that sweeps in as the sun goes below the horizon and the chill of a fresh morning as it returns. There is that oh so distinct smell that tells you fall is on its way. For sports fanatics, fall brings football. The colors of fall compare to nothing else. The crickets chirp brighter and the days get shorter. A fall breeze is like a hug from an old friend. You just want to open your arms wide and take it all in. The hummingbirds feast in abundance. The trees rustle with excitement of that first falling leaf...then the raking...the jumping. Pumpkins and mums and scarecrows - Oh my! I LOVE FALL!!!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

pic(s) of the day - taste and see

It finally rained a bit in my neck of the woods and that precipitation made for a glorious morning today. There was a wee bit of fog hanging all around and every blade of grass and flower leaf had these wonderful little droplets of water all over. Though it was just a bit of rain, everything seemed to be saying thank you. Bertie likes to taste all the water droplets as if she had been given her very own little fountain of refreshment. In fact, Bertie likes to taste just about hands, my hair, my clothes, the rug, the bed...she seems to absorb her world not just smelling (like most normal dogs) but by tasting. Like a toddler, everything goes to her mouth. Crazy transition, but there is a song we sing in church called "Taste and See". The main chorus of the song directs us to taste and see the goodness of God. This past Sunday as we sang that song, I was a bit overwhelmed as I thought of all the goodness that surrounds me every single friends at work, my job in a place that strives not just to provide an education, but to provide a life altering experience in the process, my wonderful family that loves without end, a church that is accepting and pure with people who are genuine and free, my home that is filled with pieces of my life and provides a haven and rest, my dog that teaches me patience, my dear dear friends who know and love honestly, the breeze that ushers in autumn...I could go on and on. The point is I am surrounded by goodness if only I choose to taste and see it. Too often we go through life consumed with the unpleasant things, when all along, there is great goodness to be had. I heard it said this week that faith can be summed up in three little phrases: I'm sorry....thank you....please. I'm sorry I don't always live and do in a way that is just. Thank you for loving me anyway. Please, teach me and show me.

Friday, September 10, 2010

pic of the day - Bertie the Watchdog

I have shared before that Bertie's favorie spot in the house is hanging off the back of the chairs in the living room gawking out the front window. She is totally hilarious when she delves into watchdog mode as she takes her job very seriously. Obviously she is not deterred by the drawn shades, lowered windows, nor the dark of night. She simply hangs a little lower and tunes in her night vision abilities. The candles in the windows certainly serve as an aid unless they get in her way. I can only wonder what people think when the drive by and see her checking them out. She will sit curled up like a frog looking up and down the street for what seems like hours (not really) until she's content all is well and safe. I am a lucky girl to be so loved and protected :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

pic of the day - my BU 101 class

Meet my new favorite bunch of people! I work at a small private Catholic liberal arts university - Brescia University. Last fall we started a program called the First Year Experience where we provide sort of an extended orientation for all first time full time freshmen. The students are enrolled BU101/102 for 10 weeks in the fall and 10 weeks in the spring. This is my second year teaching a section of the class and this fine group is my class this year. From left to right, there is Kaley Girl, Kory-Rock, Sweet Schyler, Larenski, Kikki, Brenda Lou Lou (BLL is my teaching assistant for the class - she is a sophomore this year and was in my class last year. I love her dearly!!!), Laura-Li, Anthony Tony, Zel (Zel works at the abused women's shelter where we volunteered the day this picture was taken), McLovin, Gleeenn with 2 n's, Dancin DJ, BV, and me. If you are unaware, I love nick-names. Many of them don't even know I call them what I call them...It's just my own little term of endearment. We talk about everything from our history and heritage as a university, our own family roots, our talents, strengths, future plans, time management, ethics, values, decision making, etc. We meet on Tuesday evenings and try to have as much fun as we can. Next week, we are eating cupcakes & ice cream while we meet. We're planning a possible outdoor adventure at a local state park soon, and we'll go back to the abused women's shelter a few more times. Developing a heart for service and molding servant leaders is a great part of what this class is all about, because that's what Brescia is all about. I am so excited about this bunch! I think we are going to have a really fun year together!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

pic of the day - Hank Parker

Meet Hank Parker. For those of you who might be outdoorsmen or women, you might know that Hank Parker hosts, or used to host, a fishing show on one of the outdoor networks. To answer your question, yes, this fuzzy creature who is the closest thing to my sibling, as we share my parents, is named for that very Hank Parker. He is an eleven year old Airedale Terrier, stands a good 3 foot tall, and weighs nearly 90-100 pounds. When he was a little bitty puppy, he was mostly black with a curly tan face. I could pick him up and tote him around like a chimpanzee (a secret dream of mine - I've always wanted my own chimp). Now, he's more like a small horse that could tote me around. With the sad farewell of his favorite nephew-dog Pax last year, Hank assumed the role of the canine patriarch of our family, and has done so with great dignity. He is quite the fine old man with his daily bursts of fun and energy. Both of he knees have been injured over the years, both having needed surgeries afterward. Bless his heart, he's not the most agile of dogs anymore, and getting up off the floor is sometimes slowgoing, but boy does he have heart. Whenever anyone comes to the backdoor, myself and my parents included, he goes into a most overwhelming barking/howling fit that would make one think something might be ungoing torture. It is pure love and joy coming from that teeth quivering bark though. He's endured many a nickname over his a puppy, he was Hankster the Prankster as he was always theiving things and hiding them. His favorite game ever. For no reason other than humor we've called him Hanky Panky. Now that my folks have the little black bullet of a dog named Tootie, they are known together as Honk Honk and Toot Toot. My personal favorite is a name he gained after I read Janet Evanovich's series of Stephanie Plum novels (I highly reccomend all 16 of them for those of who have not read them. SOOOO stinking funny I laugh out loud in every book). Stephanie has a cousin she lovingly refers to as "Shirley the Whiner." Not one single hour of waking hours goes by but what Hank doesn't whine. For such a gorilla of dog, he is the biggest whiny baby. My mother deserves a crown the size of Texas for having to endure that whine all day long. Hank is getting old. The vet told us nearly two years ago that he would likely be gone in six months to a year due to bone cancer. Two years and no signs of any kind of cancer and he's still whining. Still, we know the majority of his life is past us so whining and all, we love him dearly and spoil him as rotten as we can. One day, we'll finish a meal and it will be silent. No whining. It will not be the same without Shirley.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

pic(s) of the day - reflecting over my morning coffee

I am truly blessed. I experience one of the happiest, peaceful, most satisfying moments of my life each and every day. It's like I live in the movie "Groundhog Day" as this moment of fulfillment repeats itself daily. What is this divine occurence? The first sip of my morning coffee. Unlike people, places, and inflated expectations, it never fails to live up to my hopes and anticipations.

Yesterday morning, after two weeks of a non-stop pace, as I officially said goodbye to my huge project at work began a long holiday weekend, that first sip was all the more delightful. The temperature outside was a crisp 56 and the breeze was lovely. Note: I opened every single window in my house while the coffee was brewing. I took my sweet cup to the living room, snuggled up in my chair with Bertie on my shoulder peering out the front window (see previous post about Bertie's parrot like tendancies), and began to partake in pure heaven!

As I sat there, I reflected on the past couple weeks of busy-ness and wondered why it had been so paralyzing. Certainly, I learned several lessons about project management and my own organization that will make future projects of this magnitude less mind occupying. I also decided that there is a certain amount of choice involved. I know the things that bring me replinishment, but sometimes it requires a choice to partake in those things. Rest doesn't always come in the form of opportunity, rather I have to make it happen. I've been very frustrated that I haven't had the time to play with photos or to write...both things that are very calming for me. The time may not have been optimum, but I had the time. I chose not to use it. And so the learning continues.

Life, like my photography is a journey with lessons and self discovery learned all along the way.