It finally rained a bit in my neck of the woods and that precipitation made for a glorious morning today. There was a wee bit of fog hanging all around and every blade of grass and flower leaf had these wonderful little droplets of water all over. Though it was just a bit of rain, everything seemed to be saying thank you. Bertie likes to taste all the water droplets as if she had been given her very own little fountain of refreshment. In fact, Bertie likes to taste just about everything...my hands, my hair, my clothes, the rug, the bed...she seems to absorb her world not just smelling (like most normal dogs) but by tasting. Like a toddler, everything goes to her mouth. Crazy transition, but there is a song we sing in church called "Taste and See". The main chorus of the song directs us to taste and see the goodness of God. This past Sunday as we sang that song, I was a bit overwhelmed as I thought of all the goodness that surrounds me every single day...my friends at work, my job in a place that strives not just to provide an education, but to provide a life altering experience in the process, my wonderful family that loves without end, a church that is accepting and pure with people who are genuine and free, my home that is filled with pieces of my life and provides a haven and rest, my dog that teaches me patience, my dear dear friends who know and love honestly, the breeze that ushers in autumn...I could go on and on. The point is I am surrounded by goodness if only I choose to taste and see it. Too often we go through life consumed with the unpleasant things, when all along, there is great goodness to be had. I heard it said this week that faith can be summed up in three little phrases: I'm sorry....thank you....please. I'm sorry I don't always live and do in a way that is just. Thank you for loving me anyway. Please, teach me and show me.
how true this is. I know this song and LOVE it...thanks for reminding me!