Some days some things just strike me and scream "Take my picture!" Today was one of those days. My grandpa passed away last June. His mental and physical health had progressively declined in the months before and he had not been himself for several years before that. Somehow in the grieving of his decline, we accepted a new normal and established new habits. One of the things I will forever have etched in my mind was our daily farewell. He had a certain spot on the end of the couch that allowed him, if he leaned to the left far enough, to see around the corner sort of out the front door. He always had his feet propped up on the coffee table and I can see him sitting there in his jammies, robe, and house shoes as if he were sitting right in front of me. I would always hug and smooch him and tell him I loved him, but when I got to the front door, I would stop, turn around, wave, and blow him a kiss which he would invariably catch, send back to me, or allow to knock him in the heart. So sweet! When he passed and was burried, I had the hardest time leaving him there, in the cemetery. I felt like I was leaving him there all alone. The first thunderstorm broke my heart because it felt like he was out there in that pouring rain in the dark all by himself. Granted, I knew better, I was not delusional, but that is just how it felt and I hated it. I decided he needed a night light. Again, I knew better, but it made my heart feel better. So I bought a double set of these pretty cut glass solar lights...kind of like porch lights...and they brought me comfort. I didn't feel like he was so alone then. No much time passed before one either got stolen or broken, and unfortunately, but budget didn't allow for the highest of quality and the second one stopped working. So, I brought the light home and it hangs by my back porch where I pass by it every day. It still doesn't work and I am so not a gazing ball kind of girl, but it's nice. Not that I will ever forget, but it reminds me of him each time I see it. Today, it was full of sunshine and lit up like a diamond studded disco ball. What a gift. I still turn around when I get to my car after visiting the cemetery, wave, and blow him a kiss. There's no one there to catch it or send it back or smack in the heart, but he's with me. He just sends his love through a diamond studded disco ball.