There seems to be a never ending wrestling match taking place in my mind. Thoughts bouncing around off the elastic ropes of a ring, tackling each other back and forth with one eventually coming up victorious with a gigantic belt when I've finally come to some conclusion or resolution to the thought war. The contestants throwing their weight around vary significantly from time to time so it's almost like a wrestling relay in which one wrestler hands off his baton to a fellow teamer (I love you Annie M) and the wrestling continues. Yes, I know there is no such thing as a wrestling baton. This week the contestants of choice have been "Blessed" and "Not-so-Much". For those of you who might be reading who do not share the same faith values as I do, consider yourself warned. While always inspired and sometimes spirit filled, my blogging generally is not out-right faith oriented, but this one might be. The Old Testament scripture in church on Sunday was from Daniel where he dreamt of the 4 beasts and upon interpretation was told the 4 beasts represent 4 kings and that the holy ones of the Most High shall receive the kingdom and posess the kingdom forever - forever and ever. The service went on to include Luke's account of the beattitudes, in which we are instructed regarding what constitutes holiness (Blessed) and not-so-much. Put the two together and you get a peek at who receives not just forever, but forever-forever and ever. The two have been wrestling because at first glance with a pair of literal glasses, I felt like I fell into the not-so-much category. I'm not rich by any stretch of the imagination, but I am take care of. My needs are met. I have a lovely roof over my head. I am not hungry. I laugh every single day, many days multiple times. Tonight I'm pretty sure I snorted and may have peed just a little I laughed so hard. I'm not 100% sure, but I think others think well of me. Sadly all of these characteristics and qualities were prefaced with a "Woe" or a not-so-much in stead of "Blessed"...this made no sense to me because I feel like I am surrounded with blessings, I am honored to have and do the things I am able to have to have and do, and for the first time in a truly long time, I am for the most part content and at peace with life. Today at lunch though, I saw this little yellow rose blossom. I saw a gorgeous display of soft, tender life among the dry, withered and dying. I saw a bit of sweetness that had weathered 4 nights of frost this past week and weekend. I saw strength and endurance. I saw what forever-forever and ever might look like. When all else has passed, there is one that lives. I saw what blessed is. I don't think blessed has as much to do with the literal things of this life as it does the figurative. I think it has to do with compassion and sharing, with loving and giving, with feeling and caring, with hoping and dreaming, with wishing and guiding, with living through our hearts. When one lives with their heart, every day there is hunger for more, there is an ache for others, there is striving to protect, there is a need to share joy, there is love. Faith is not a one way rule dictating, you do what I say and all will be well journey. Faith is a relationship, built, built - it doesn't just poof appear, on mutual love and trust. When there is love and trust, there is forever-forever and ever.