I am truly blessed. I experience one of the happiest, peaceful, most satisfying moments of my life each and every day. It's like I live in the movie "Groundhog Day" as this moment of fulfillment repeats itself daily. What is this divine occurence? The first sip of my morning coffee. Unlike people, places, and inflated expectations, it never fails to live up to my hopes and anticipations.
Yesterday morning, after two weeks of a non-stop pace, as I officially said goodbye to my huge project at work began a long holiday weekend, that first sip was all the more delightful. The temperature outside was a crisp 56 and the breeze was lovely. Note: I opened every single window in my house while the coffee was brewing. I took my sweet cup to the living room, snuggled up in my chair with Bertie on my shoulder peering out the front window (see previous post about Bertie's parrot like tendancies), and began to partake in pure heaven!
As I sat there, I reflected on the past couple weeks of busy-ness and wondered why it had been so paralyzing. Certainly, I learned several lessons about project management and my own organization that will make future projects of this magnitude less mind occupying. I also decided that there is a certain amount of choice involved. I know the things that bring me replinishment, but sometimes it requires a choice to partake in those things. Rest doesn't always come in the form of opportunity, rather I have to make it happen. I've been very frustrated that I haven't had the time to play with photos or to write...both things that are very calming for me. The time may not have been optimum, but I had the time. I chose not to use it. And so the learning continues.
Life, like my photography is a journey with lessons and self discovery learned all along the way.
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