It is my opinion that if you are lucky, life is constantly full of firsts. Some who find absolutely no joy nor excitement, but rather anxiety and discomfort from new things, would certainly disagree with my opinion. I, however, am relatively open minded and willing to experience new adventures, always eager to increase my list of firsts. That said, relatively is the key word. As eager as I am to live life to the fullest, soaking up every moment I can, you may rest assured that I will probably never bungee jump, handle snakes, or climb Mt. Everest. My point is we all have our comfort level with new things. That's what makes us unique, keeps life interesting, and provides balance in our world.
Over the weekend, I attended my first Renaissance Festival, or "Ren Fair" to those who call themselves regulars. If you know me at all, speechless likely would not make your top ten list of adjectives used to describe me. For the better part of the day that my friends and I were transported to the sixteenth century, I was, for maybe the 2nd or 3rd time in my life, utterly and completely speechless. There were beautiful and elaborate costumes, fascinating reinactments and activities like the May Pole, jousting and highland games, musical displays, and the traditional food and drink were in abundance. My fish-n-chips and cider were fantastic by the way! All of those things I associate in my mind with the Renaissance period. Then there were the fairies, elf ears, fangs, the guy dressed like a dragon, metal corsets, wildly clad gypsies, and trashy pirate girls. WOW! Not so much what I associate with the Renaissance period. Without question, it was one of the most interesting, sometimes creepy, lovely, odd, and totally fun days I've had in a long time.
It struck me as I was driving home that isn't that what life is like sometimes? I know I certainly have a vision of what I think life is like or should be like. But how often does reality match my vision? Sometimes, of course, but it is often far more than I bargained for, occasionally leaving me speechless. There are odd occurances, strange people, creepy people for that matter, interesting lessons, and yes, the thankfully rare dragon. Like the May Pole, all these experiences, trials, journeys, people and blessings weave together creating the tapestry of our lives. As I look back, my tapestry certain looks different than I ever thought it would, but I am so thankful for it. As I stand here now, patiently holding onto my streamer, I look ahead and wonder what in the world is going to be created from it? We never know what is to come, but I can hold on tight and face the interesting, creepy, lovely, odd, and totally fun days to come.
I love Ren Fairs! I used to go as a little girl. I love that you had this experience!!